【预订】Object and Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing 9781849
/ 2018-01-31
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9781849951289 Author 作者 Stefan Hinz Format 版本 精装 Pages Number 页数 320页 Publisher 出版社 Whittles Publishing Publication Date 出版日期 2018-01-31 Language 语种 其它(含多语) Book Contents 内容简介 Fully automated interpretation and understanding of remotely sensed data by a computer has been a challenge for many decades, and many approaches have been developed over the years. Significant advances in knowledge-based image understanding, machine learning and artificial intelligence has led to this topic being the focus of much research in recent years. This book highlights the different theoretical and application-oriented aspects and potential solutions to the topic of automated remote sensing data analysis. Thereby, both classical knowledge-based as well as modern machine learning-oriented concepts are described. A field such as this is specialized and dy
3-6周达 Subsea Rock Installation and Rock Placement: A Guide f
/ 2020-09-01
【预订】Life Cycle Costing 9781849951487
/ 2015-03-24
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9781849951487 Author 作者 John W. Bull Format 版本 精装 Pages Number 页数 240页 Publisher 出版社 Whittles Publishing Publication Date 出版日期 2015-03-24 Language 语种 其它(含多语) Book Contents 内容简介 The key areas of life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) and whole life costing (WLC) are exemplified in this volume with accounts of their application to housing stock, a community hydroelectric power system, various aspects of highway infrastructure, and corrosion protective coatings. Sustainable construction and design requires more than compliance with safety requirements and economic constraints, there is also the impact on the environment, the surrounding population and users of the infrastructure. This requires a multidimensional perspective of sustainability to be considered in life cycle costing (LCC) combining current design criteria with these other aspects.
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3-6周达 Plant Fibre: Chemistry, Processing and Advanced Engine
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